Alta Climbing is a physically challenging activity that offers a unique mind-body connection. It is a great way to build strength and meet new friends.

Ascending ice requires specialized equipment. Ice climbers affix metal spikes to their boots and swing ice axes to cut into icy surfaces. Using these tools is called “aid climbing” and is the opposite of free climbing.
Bouldering is a form of rock climbing that is done without the safety net of ropes. The sport involves scaling short, defined routes, usually no more than five meters high, which test strength, technique, and problem-solving abilities. Bouldering can be dangerous, but with the right precautions and practice, it’s a fun, challenging way to stay in shape.
Boulderers often start with easy problems to build confidence and gradually increase their difficulty, as they improve their physical and mental skills. Unlike many other forms of exercise, bouldering is a full-body workout that uses muscles in ways that are different from traditional gym exercises, and it also challenges core strength and flexibility. In addition, the social and communal aspects of the sport, rarely found in other forms of fitness, can add a motivational dimension to staying fit.
To start bouldering, you’ll need a few basic items: shoes that are good for climbing, a pair of chalk to keep your hands dry on slippery surfaces, and a crash pad to catch your fall. You’ll also want to invest in a spotter, someone who can help you climb safely. A spotter can help you avoid common injuries such as finger pulley tears and blown shoulders. They can also coach you on proper body positioning and footwork.
Indoor bouldering is very popular, and many gyms have dedicated bouldering areas with low walls and ample crash pads for safe falls. Outdoor bouldering can be more dangerous, as rocks may fall or move unexpectedly. Bouldering on natural terrain requires a greater degree of caution, and you’ll need to be familiar with the land management agency rules for the area where you plan to climb. You’ll also need to know the grading system for boulders, which is similar to the Yosemite Decimal System used in sport climbing.
A bouldering crash pad is a small, inflatable mattress that helps prevent injuries when you fall off a hard-to-climb route. It can be purchased at most climbing shops. You can also rent crash pads at some gyms. Bouldering is a relatively inexpensive sport to take up, but the cost of good climbing shoes can add up quickly.
Sport Climbing
Sport climbing uses pre-installed bolts and anchors to make it a safer and faster form of rock climbing. Climbers clip these bolts as they ascend, which frees them to focus on climbing movements. The route is typically rated using the Yosemite Decimal System, with routes ranging from easy to very difficult.
In contrast, traditional climbing requires climbers to place their own protection on the wall, which can be more time consuming and challenging. Athletes must consider whether a certain move will be safe and secure, as well as worrying about falling and stressing the anchors. This style of climbing also has a steeper learning curve and requires more equipment than sport climbing.
Athletes in both sport climbing and bouldering use incredible strength, hauling themselves up vertical and inverted walls on holds — sometimes only big enough for their fingertip. The sport has seen a recent boom, with an estimated 25 million people around the world climbing regularly.
Climbers who compete in the IFSC’s speed, bouldering and lead disciplines must be good at three very different things: explosiveness, velocity and coordination. In the incredibly fast sport of speed climbing, athletes race to scale a 15-meter (49-foot) high wall and earn points for reaching zone holds along the way.
The bouldering discipline, on the other hand, is all about mastering difficult moves. The route setters (who are kept secret from competitors until competition begins) design a unique boulder problem each round and the climbers must choose which path to take up the wall. They are not allowed to see the wall until their turn, so they must decide on the fly if a route is possible and how best to take it.
The most successful sport climbers are those who excel in both the speed and bouldering disciplines. Janja Garnbret and Adam Ondra are two of the few climbers who have won medals in both, while many others — including Jakob Schubert, Colin Duffy, Toby Roberts and Anraku Sorato — have podiumed in both.
Outdoor Climbing
Outdoor climbing is an incredibly rewarding and physically challenging activity. It provides a great full-body workout, strengthens muscles and bones, increases flexibility, improves balance, and helps build confidence. In addition, rock climbing offers a variety of health benefits, including reduced stress levels and improved mental health. It can also help individuals develop an increased awareness of their physical and mental limits, allowing them to push themselves further.
Outdoor climbing requires a higher level of commitment and preparation than indoor climbing. In addition to a broader range of equipment (ropes, belay devices, quickdraws, climbing shoes), climbers must understand how to use outdoor specific techniques, such as anchor building and route reading. Additionally, outdoor climbing is often more complex, with features such as jugs, crimps, and slabs that may not be found in an indoor gym.
Climbers should also be aware of the unique responsibilities associated with outdoor climbing, such as environmental protection and etiquette. Many outdoor areas have specific rules and regulations that must be followed to minimize the impact of climbers on the natural environment, such as limiting group sizes and staying on established trails. Climbers should also take the time to brush holds and remove any trash they create.
New outdoor climbers will likely have a much more difficult time adapting to the challenges of outdoors than they will in an indoor gym. This is because routes set for outdoor climbing are not necessarily geared to a particular skill level and because the rock is different than indoor bouldering or limestone. In addition, outdoor fall injuries can be more severe than falling on a crash pad or a yoga mat.
Fortunately, new outdoor climbers can quickly learn how to adapt with practice. It is recommended to start by enrolling in a climbing course or hiring a guide, to get an introduction to the sport and familiarize yourself with the equipment and safety protocols. Then, it is recommended to spend as much time as possible in outdoor conditions, both on top rope and lead climbing, to gain a better understanding of the nuances of each type of rock and route.
Competition Climbing
The thrill of pushing your limits in a competitive setting is unparalleled. Whether you’re cheering on your favorite athletes during the Olympics or considering putting yourself to the test in a local comp, understanding the basic rules and formats is essential to getting started.
Competitions have strict time limits, requiring competitors to strategically plan and execute each move to minimize the amount of energy they need to spend. Each route is also graded based on its technical difficulty, and the scoring system varies between different governing bodies and regions. Generally, a climber’s score is the sum of the points earned from each route they successfully complete. If they flash a route, meaning they complete it on their first attempt, they’ll receive the highest possible score.
Sport climbing competitions involve competitors attempting to climb a lead (rope required) route as high as they can within a set amount of time. The climbers are attached to automatic belay devices that catch them when they fall, allowing them to reset and try again. Their times are recorded using touch pads located at the base and top of the wall. Climbers are ranked based on the number of attempts it takes them to complete the course and the number of holds they reach, with “flashing” or completing the route on their first attempt earning the highest score.
Bouldering competitions require athletes to solve a series of wildly difficult boulder problems in as few attempts as possible. Each problem has a starting hold and a finishing hold. Starting holds are marked with strips of tape to indicate where a competitor should place their hands and feet at the beginning of each problem. There’s a six-minute observation period before climbers enter isolation (also known as iso) to start their attempts. While in isolation, they’re not allowed to watch other competitors or use their phones.
Once a climber’s score is calculated, they advance to the semifinal round. The top eight athletes then compete in the final, where the scores from their bouldering and lead portions are combined to determine their overall score. The winner is the athlete with the highest combined score.